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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Commitment Advice For Women

I want to talk about COMMITMENT.

It's a tough issue for a LOT of women, and having 'issues' in this area is something that many women indeed can relate to.

Whether you're dating the guy who 'likes his freedom', or you're JUST starting out with a new relationship and want to make sure that things progress easily and EFFORTLESSLY, commitment IS a big deal.

How often do you hear about two people who meet, start dating, fall in love, move in together, get engaged, and get married? I'll bet probably ALL THE TIME. And you know what? When commitment is for REAL, it really is that easy. IT'S ALMOST ALWAYS THAT EASY.

Let me ask you a question about your dating life though ... Have you ever noticed a pattern emerging in your love life where you're with a man and things seem to be going well ... but after a few dates he just 'pulls back'?

You can't figure out why. Did you say something? Did you DO something? Are men just crazy and not 'into relationships'?? Have you ever felt as though you just seem to attract guys who are 'emotionally unavailable' or unable to commit? Have you ever wondered whether you should just settle for something less than what you REALLY want (and feel that you deserve)?

Are your friends all having casual sexual relationships with men and getting lots of attention, whereas you are trying to hold out for something 'more' ... but starting to feel a little lonely and envious of the attention they're getting at the same time? Have you ever been with a man who you really LOVE, and talked to him about commitment ... and he agrees that only to have him become more and more distant soon afterwards ... and finally he breaks it off? These are all situations that I hear about on a regular basis from GOOD WOMEN who just want some help to figure out WHAT GOES ON IN A GUY'S HEAD where the topic of commitment is concerned.

Some women think that 'guys just aren't into commitment'. Some women think that 'all the good ones are taken'. And others are so afraid of rocking the boat that they're prepared to be in an undefined relationship with no actual boundaries or vowed commitment for YEARS without so much as BREATHING the 'C-word' to their guy.

Look: I want to help you. And that's why I think it's so important that I take a second to let you know about a fabulous new book that's available NOW from my friend and colleague Amy Waterman. Take a look at Amy's website Click Here

It's called: 'From First Dates to Soul Mates: How To Take Things To The Next Level Of Commitment Without Screwing It Up' and it was my honor (and pleasure!) to review an advance copy. Read More ->>>

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