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Saturday, October 25, 2008

What To Do Once You Have Attracted Him

Ask any woman who's been in a relationship, and she'll tell you what an emotional rollercoaster it can be. It's all part of the package: the first few dates, the sweaty palms, the nervous anticipation and the weak knees. These are but a few of the things that make all of us feel alive!

Who can deny the unique mixture of elation and terror during those initial weeks? It feels like one of those flicks where the suspense is almost too much to bear.

One moment you're filled with utter dread, and then your head's in the clouds during the next.

This maddening state of things can leave anyone's head spinning. Yet, being caught in the rush of romantic frenzy is something that we all crave.

Chances are this sounds all too familiar to you.

You know what I mean - there's nothing quite like the buildup from strangers to acquaintances to lovers.

The progression from that first "hello" to that first kiss is absolutely MAGICAL.

Like any girl who's been on the love express, you're likely to remember that wild, crazy ride for a long time to come.

After all those little games of reading and interpreting each other's signals...after all the second-guessing...the fireworks are finally free to let loose!

Indeed, becoming a couple is a huge milestone for the both of you. After all, getting to that point is an achievement in itself.

But now that you're together, what comes next?

Understand that as great as things are at the start, you'll need to play a pro-active role in your relationship to make it work.

What I mean is that your partnership will eventually take on a different shape and form as time passes, so you need to adapt with the inevitable changes ahead.

Yes, change can be scary, but only if you're unprepared.

After the excitement dies down, the everyday routine of being together will slowly creep in. The spark that shone so brightly at the start can fade over time.

Don't panic, because it's perfectly natural for the relationship to lose some of its pulse-quickening charm.

It may take anywhere from a few months to a couple of years, but the initial thrill will be replaced with a deeper, more mature sense of caring for one another.

On the other hand, getting past the "lovey-dovey" phase of your relationship could very well feel like you are degenerating into a dull state of mundane drudgery. Extreme analogy I'm sure, but we have all felt that way at some moment in our lives.

That brings us to the next question: what are the things I should do once I've attracted him?

"I" is the operative word here, ladies. YOU.

Yes, that means that you share an equal responsibility with your man to keep the relationship going. A common mistake that some women make is to dump all of the obligations on their man.

On the contrary, you shouldn't make your guy as the sole provider of your happiness, nor should he be the one to do the work in keeping the love alive all the time.

If a problem comes up, there's no room for blaming anyone here. BOTH partners should, in fact, do their share.

Realize that the power to make it or break it lies in YOUR hands. Know that YOU are empowered with the means and know-how to keep your relationship healthy, and maintaining a relationship can be something that you share with your partner rather than offload to each other.

Sharing responsibility means knowing what to do to increase your irresistibility to men, and understanding how relationships work. I can teach you that as I take you hand-in-hand with me through another course: Click Here

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